Dear friend,
The International Movement for Monetary Reform currently stands at a critical point financially. To continue our work to create a just and stable money and banking system, we need your support.
All four of my grandparents lived through the horrors of the second world war. After losing siblings, lovers and friends and suffering through the horrors of the battlefield and imprisonment, they were psychologically scarred for the rest of their lives.
I am sure, that this horrible chapter of humanity could have been avoided if a stable and fair money system had been in place 100 years ago. This would have prevented the great depression in 1929 which in turn caused mass-unemployment and vast-scale frustration with political elites that provided the soil for the eventual uprising of fascist ideology 10 years later. So much suffering could have been avoided if there had been better understanding about the mechanics of money.
Now, around 10 years after the great financial crisis of 2008, I am getting afraid that history is about to repeat. The outrageous injustices of the crisis, rising inequality all over the world and mass-unemployment are dividing people once again. As before, the result is a rise of political extremism and demagogues in its wake, like Trump, Erdogan or Orban. In my home country Germany, a right-wing party has once again entered parliament, even as third-strongest political power, and its supporter base continues to expand steadily.
Ma ny people are rightly frustrated with the current system, feeling that it is not serving but rather exploiting them. But as the structural problems of the money system are barely discussed in mainstream-media or economics, many fall for the easy answers and scapegoating that extremists offer. They don’t see that it’s the money system which creates scarcity, inequality and crisis, taking away our dignity and wasting so much human potential.
Therefore, the core mission of our movement and its 28 member organizations around the world is to change the current money system and make money work for the people, not against them. Given the huge importance of our task, there is so much to do but currently we are severely underfunded and this is why I have written this letter to ask for your financial support.