Slovenia – Realni denar
Founded: January 2019


Slovenska skupina v IMMR »Realni denar« je projektna skupina. Cilj projekta je predstaviti:

1. Način delovanja obstoječega denarnega in bančnega sistema;

2. Posledice tega obstoječega sistema za družbo, gospodarsko stabilnost in blagostanje državljanov;

3. Možen alternativni sistem, ki bi razrešil probleme, katere ustvarja sedanji nevzdržni denarni in bančni sistem.

The Slovenian branch of IMMR “Realni denar” is project group. The project aims to
1. The mode of operation of the existing monetary and banking system;
2. The implications of this existing system for society, economic stability and the well-being of citizen;
3. A possible alternative system to solve the problems created by the current unsustainable money and banking system.


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