Founded: 2018


Alliance For Just Money was founded by a group of non-partisan people of all political, vocational, philosophical, and personal viewpoints who share the common values of working together with other movements to achieve real monetary reform. We believe that monetary reform is key to solving many problems that have plagued society. We believe that this system contributes to environmental degradation, overtaxation, needless poverty, regional and global conflicts, and many other issues that have a direct impact on people’s lives. We believe that our current system has created many straw-man arguments because of the false scarcity of money that our current system promotes. Our goal at the Alliance is to increase public awareness of these issues and create the political will to achieve a sovereign debt-free money system for the benefit of not just the United States but for the benefit of our global community. The Alliance stands proudly with IMMR and looks forward to working with all involved to push for global monetary reform.


