The Waterworks of Money: private profits, public costs, is now available as part 2 in a free video animation series which shows that the design flaws causing instability in our financial system have not been fundamentally addressed in or after more.
By Samuel Kazen, Positiva Pengar Introduction Today, money creation is largely outsourced to private banks. According to professor Peter Dietsch, this has devastating consequences for the climate. State-backed public money is automatically poured into whatever private banks deem profitable, more.
By Martijn van Der Linden For the past 2,5 years, I (Martijn van der Linden, PhD., professor New Finance and founding board member of foundation Ons Geld) have collaborated with cartographer Carlijn Kingma and financial investigative journalist Thomas Bollen on more.
We are pleased to announce that there’s a new book on Sovereign Money has been launched. Real Honest Money by James McCumiskey is an easy to read book that puts the complex monetary system problems and solutions into layman’s terms so more.
The new book, Confessions of an Islamic Banker, by Zahid Aziz is now available for sale. For inquiries and purchases, please contact Zahid directly at email: It is a life story, it is a book, it is a share more.
By Greg Coleridge. There are many reasons why nation-states start or join wars – including the current Russian invasion of Ukraine. Controlling natural resources is certainly one of them. Whatever the reasons, banking corporations and other financial institutions in the U.S., among more.
All change starts from within. Whether it’s a person or a country that needs to find new paths. Our “re-form” of the money system opens up new paths in the economy and in the construction of society, and it represents more.
By Jussi Ora An important and hot topic with regards to the monetary system is inflation. If we want to reduce inflation and the risk of it in the longer term, we need to be clear about its causes. As more.
By Dr. Joseph Huber What is it all about? Monetary financing means funding of government expenditure by central-bank money, whether directly from central bank to government, or indirectly, in that the central bank purchases government bonds on the open market. more.
The Real Economy and the Financial Economy by Dr. Joseph Huber The financial economy is subdivided into two functional hemispheres, one that contributes to financing the real economy, while the other does not, in short: GDP finance and non-GDP finance. more.