By Dr. Joseph Huber What is it all about? Monetary financing means funding of government expenditure by central-bank money, whether directly from central bank to government, or indirectly, in that the central bank purchases government bonds on the open market. more.
The Real Economy and the Financial Economy by Dr. Joseph Huber The financial economy is subdivided into two functional hemispheres, one that contributes to financing the real economy, while the other does not, in short: GDP finance and non-GDP finance. more.
Tim Di Muzio [1] This is a similar tale to the one experienced by British engineer Major C.H. Douglas just before the outbreak of World War I. Douglas was working on the London tube when his superiors announced that there more.
The age of digital money by Joseph Huber In technical terms the new era is about the digitisation of money. Digital money is any transferable currency unit in the numerical form of binary digits that are processed electronically. Until some more.
Dominant currency and dominant money by Joseph Huber The approach of dominant money as outlined in this paper has in a way been inspired by theories about the internationally dominant currency as developed in recent years by Gopinath and colleagues, more.
The discussion on a sovereign money reform is gaining momentum and concrete answers to the questions on how to design a new monetary authority are increasingly demanded: What goals are being pursued? According to which principles and how should the more.