The Swiss population will be the first in the world to vote on their banking and monetary system, thanks to the tireless efforts of a pro-Sovereign Money campaign. This article was initially published on Positive Money’s blog. The “Vollgeld Initiative” more.

The Dutch parliament hosted a hearing with the instigators of a successful citizens’ initiative on monetary reform. A preliminary step before a debate in plenary chamber. This article was originally published on Positive Money’s blog. Thanks to Sylvie Jacobs for more.

Members of the Icelandic Parliament have submitted a motion to review Iceland’s monetary system and look at alternative monetary systems. This article was originally published on Positive Money’s blog Last week, a resolution calling for the establishment of a special more.

“Fundamental reform of the monetary system must be considered.” Says head of Iceland Parliament’s Committee for Economic Affairs. This article was originally published on Positive Money’s blog Frosti Sigurjonsson, Member of the Parliament of Iceland and Chairman of the Committee more.