The goal of a sovereign money reform is to place the money creation into the hands of a public institution that serves the public interest. However, there are still many different design options how to implement this, i.e. what instruments more.

As a response to the WRR report “Money and debt” a magazine for economics teachers (TEO) presented some questions to Ons Geld. Both these questions and the answers are presented below. In “Money and debt: the public task of banks”, more.

The Dutch Scientific Council for government policy (WRR) presented its report on the monetary system on the 17th of January 2019. The report is called “Money and Debt, the public role of banks”. The main objective of the report is more.

Brussels – EU Commissioner Varoufakis has announced a citizens’ dividend. For every European, € 25,000 is available for debt reduction. This follows the switch to the digital euro. Over 80% of all savings balances have now been converted. As of more.

By Edgar Wortmann, Ons Geld. Michael Kumhof has released a new paper. In it he outlines design principles for ‘Central Bank Digital Currency’ (CBDC). Again, Michael Kumhof makes an important contribution to money reform. His design principles are good for more.

This article was originally published in the Spanish newspaper EL MUNDO in February 2018. It is by Carlos Arenillas, economist, former vice president of the CNMV (Spanish Securities Supervisor), and former member of the board of the bank of Spain. more.

by Lino Zeddies, Monetative Some weeks ago our German sovereign money reform organization „Monetative“ held its annual conference on “Money. Power. Inequality.” to discuss how the current money system with private banks power to create deposit money affects the distribution more.

On 07 November 2017 Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, former governor of the Bank of Spain, made a statement in favour of money being created by public institutions instead of private banks. Speaking at the Investigative Commission on Spain’s financial crisis more.

On 21 July 2017, Fair Money Australia collaborated with members and supporters of the Australian Unemployed Workers Union (AUWU) and Australian Workers Party (AWP) to create a conference to launch the Right2Work Coalition. It is more costly for a society more.

Thanks to the hard work of Monetäre Modernisierung (MoMo), the Swiss member organisation of the IMMR, in 2018 Swiss citizens will get to decide on the Vollgeld Initiative, which advocates for money creation by the National Bank alone. The Initiative more.