The following text outlines the urgent need to address the issue of monetary control in a constitutional state, highlighting the misconception that central banks or governments are primarily responsible for money creation. Instead, it is revealed that commercial banks create more.
Why freeing American households and businesses from crippling private debt would be a boon to the economy. By Richard Vague We were drowning in debt before the COVID-19 crisis, and now we are deluged in it. “Total debt” is the more.
How to overcome the European debt crisis? Outline of the modern debt jubilee proposed by Ons Geld. Background Safe alternative to the bank account In 2019, The Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) advised the government of the Netherlands to more.
Funding the public response to the corona crisis without increasing debt and austerity. With Europe in lock-down, awareness is rising that monetary financing is the appropriate way to fund the public response to the corona-crisis. Member States should not be more.
For years, the ECB has been shooting with bazookas. It has rarely hit its target. Criticism is growing. How do we arrive at effective monetary policy? This is a regulatory issue which transcends the competence of the ECB. The legislator must act and change the more.
On Monday 2 December 2019, a group of NGOs including Positive Money Europe met with the new President of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde to hand over a letter calling on the ECB to accelerate its efforts in the more.
Why are deposit rates persistently low? In the Netherlands (and other developed countries) interest rates have been falling for thirty years. They are now likely to become negative for the ordinary saver. What is the cause and how can it be more.
Alfred Nobel never created a prize for economists. He was seventy-three years in his grave when the Central Bank of Sweden got the idea that they could elevate the prestige of economists by awarding a Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences more.
Ons Geld advocates the introduction of a personal safe account. Safe accounts are held at a public depository and accessed via a payment environment of choice.The market provides payment convenience and the government secures stability. The safe account paves the way for liberalisation of more.
Position paper from Ons Geld following the WRR report “Money and debt” In its report “Money and debt” the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) calls for a safe-haven for book money. In this position paper, we propose to more.