Some of our national members from around the world have generously come forth to share with us their stories of traction to help inspire and foster ...
October 24, 2019
Alfred Nobel never created a prize for economists. He was seventy-three years in his grave when the Central Bank of Sweden got the idea that they ...
October 16, 2019
How do we change the rules for banking in favour of the people? Teach children how banks work. This was the last wish of Sue Hamill, ...
September 26, 2019
Ons Geld advocates the introduction of a personal safe account. Safe accounts are held at a public depository and accessed via a payment environment of choice.The market provides payment convenience ...
September 17, 2019
The discussion on a sovereign money reform is gaining momentum and concrete answers to the questions on how to design a new monetary authority are increasingly ...
September 4, 2019
The euro gets competition. Starting next year, we can also pay in libra, the digital currency that Facebook recently announced. If we massively opt for online ...
July 3, 2019
Position paper from Ons Geld following the WRR report “Money and debt” In its report “Money and debt” the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) ...
June 30, 2019
We are excited to share some success stories from our national member organizations around the world. Our movement is definitely making great progress and it is ...
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