The second official meeting of the International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR) took place in Berlin on February 17-19, 2017. The meeting was a successful gathering ...
February 6, 2017
A recent survey covering 20 countries concludes that only 20% of the population is aware that money creation is being largely managed by the private banking sector ...
November 30, 2016
The Swedish central bank recently announced it would investigate ways to introduce an electronic version of cash. If such money would be interest-free and debt-free just ...
November 17, 2016
The Swiss Government formally recommends voters reject the Sovereign Money Initiative which proposes to abolish the power of private banks to create money. Pro-monetary reform campaigners ...
October 25, 2016
A successful event on monetary reform was held in the Finnish Parliament, featuring valuable expert analysis of sovereign money and two endorsements from Finnish politicians for ...
October 17, 2016
This summer a group of Canadian, German and Spanish monetary reformers were present at the World Social Forum in Montreal to educate activists from all over ...
September 5, 2016
On September 5th, the consulting company KPMG released a new report commissioned by the Prime Minister of Iceland aiming to clarify the main features of a sovereign money ...
April 15, 2016
On March 16th, the Dutch Parliament’s plenary assembly discussed the possibility of transitioning towards a sovereign monetary system and adopted two motions committing the government to ...
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