American Monetary Institute
Founded: 1996
The American Monetary Institute (AMI) is a research and advocacy organization dedicated to the independent study of monetary history, theory, and reform. Founded by Stephen Zarlenga in 1996, AMI promotes public control of money creation, arguing that private banks' ability to create society's money through lending leads to economic instability and inequality. Zarlenga reminds us, "Over time, whoever controls the money system controls the nation."
Therefore, AMI advocates for a sovereign monetary system where money is issued by the government, debt-free, to serve the public interest. AMI is best known for its research, educational initiatives, and support for monetary reform legislation, such as the proposed National Emergency Employment Defense (NEED) Act.
AMI has been at the vanguard of the monetary reform movement having held Annual Conferences on Monetary Reform for the last 20 years. These conferences have featured distinguished speakers and participants from across the globe.
AMI seeks to actively support monetary reform internationally. The inequality between the rich and poor within nations, and between nations is beyond words. We must create an economic system(s) where caring for life can flourish beyond greed.
Web site: http://www.monetary.org/
Email contact: Steven Walsh
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Legislation: The NEED Act