
Corona Crisis: National emergency euros

by Admin // in Opinion

Preventing financial crisis by issuance of euros

The corona crisis causes a sharp increase of debt. As interest rates rise debt burdens become untenable. A health crisis threatens to become an overall financial crisis. The ECB can prevent this by using its exclusive power to authorise the issuance of emergency euros.

The European System of Central Banks (ESCB) can contain the corona crisis by using its legitimate powers. To this end, the ECB should use its exclusive power to authorize the issuance of euro notes by the National Central Banks (NCBs). These notes should have ultra-high value, for example 1 billion euro. In the UK such notes were issued to back the circulation of pounds in Scotland and Northern Ireland. They were called ‘giants’ and ‘titans’.

How will this work in the Euro area?

  • The ECB authorizes the issuance of ultra-high value euro notes (‘Titans’) by NCBs. Article 128 TFEU attributes this power to the ECB and the NCBs.

Article 128 paragraph 1 TFEU: “The European Central Bank shall have the exclusive right to authorise the issue of euro banknotes within the Union. The European Central Bank and the national central banks may issue such notes. (…)”

  • The NCB grants those Titans to its Member State without any obligation to pay them back. Article 123 TFEU prohibits ESCB-credit to Member States (‘monetary financing’). It does not prohibit a necessary gift.[i]

Article 123 paragraph 1 TFEU (prohibition of monetary financing): Overdraft facilities or any other type of credit facility with the European Central Bank or with the central banks of the Member States (hereinafter referred to as ‘national central banks’) in favour of Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies, central governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of Member States shall be prohibited, as shall the purchase directly from them by the European Central Bank or national central banks of debt instruments.

  • The Member State deposits the Titans at banks that operate within its territory. It receives bank balances in return, which it can use to face the crisis.
  • The Titans can’t circulate. They are stored by the NCB for the rightful owner. The NCB records who owns the note. The first owner is the Member State which received it as a grand. After it is deposited it is registered as the property of the receiving bank.
  • Titans are interest free reserves which banks can use to pay each other. Banks can also transfer ownership to the NCB in return for interest bearing balances on their NCB-account.
  • If ownership of a Titan returns to the NCB, the NCB records it as an asset on its balance sheet. It thus obtains the Titan as ammunition for the next crisis. To this end Titans must be exempted from article 3 paragraph 3 ECB/2010/29.

Article 3 paragraph 3 ECB/2010/29: “NCBs shall treat all euro banknotes accepted by them as liabilities and process them in an identical manner.”

By using its legitimate powers, the ESCB can come to the rescue. It should not put the euro at risk by increasing debt. It should not practice politics by pushing Member States in risk and debt-sharing arrangements. It should, however, authorise the issuance of euros that are clearly needed at this time. Later on the increased circulation can be brought under control by introducing personal safe accounts and demonetizing debt. This way, the damage remains limited while Europe and the euro to emerge from the crisis stronger than ever.

Edgar Wortmann – March 22, 2020 (revised version March 24, 2020).

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[i] Some argue that handing out euros for free is also prohibited. After all the Court of Justice stated in ‘Weiss’ in relation to article 123 TFEU: “It follows that that provision prohibits all financial assistance from the ESCB to a Member State (…)”. However, this non-essential statement of the Court of Justice is false. Article 123 TFEU prohibits: a. extension of credit and b. direct purchase of debt instruments. It does not prohibit a gift for free.

Monetary policy is defined and implemented by the ESCB (article 127 TFEU). By issuing euros to prevent financial crises it exerts its legal powers. If the question regarding compliance with article 123 TFEU is raised before the Court of Justice, it can only acknowledge the powers of the ESCB as set out in the Treaty.

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  • I think you should read this: https://www.newchartistmovement.org.uk/urgent-actions-this-day/alert-action-this-day. The entire financial system of the world is a criminal debt-creating enterprise which must be collapsed without hesitation. Privately-run central banks are an abomination to all right-thinking and decent people and they must play no further part in the financial management of a country. Sovereign National Credit is the historical and proven answer.

    • Describing central banks as “privately run” is going too far. The Bank of England is actually owned by the UK Treasury. Secondly, even if a central bank is technically or legally owned by a set of private entities, what the central bank does is determined by the rules and laws which govern the central bank.

      In contrast, it could certainly be argued that private banks have too much influence on central banks.

  • Titans or national bonds, this kind of document works in the almost same way, except that the bond does draw some interest. Both provide the government with the means for distributing added financial help to certain parts of the social system. This is not a new idea, but with the additional money in circulation there is a danger of good’s price inflation, since with the limitations of production from the effects of the virus, we are likely to find “too much money chasing too few goods”. There must be some control about how much this issue of money is going to affect the cost of the produce.

    • It is inflation hawks that got us into this mess in the first place.

      Back in the early seventies, central banks still funded states directly which meant very low national debts.

      Since that was forbidden under the pretext of countering stagflation, states turned to credit markets for funding and national debts have supposedly shot up because of compound interest.

      Despite the hype, inflation by “money printing” happens in very specific cases and Weimar wasn’t one of them according to research by Positive Money.


    • There is a huge difference between issuance of euros and issuance of bonds. By issuing bonds the issuer gets in debt.

      Issuance of Emergency Euros lowers inflation risk. It is an alternative to the huge monetary expansion that is going on to manipulate the markets and bail-out financiers.

  • Wirklich zurück in die Welt vor dem Coronavirus

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    Ob wir wohl daraus lernen werden. Es zeigt, dass ein Großteil unseres Umgangs aus einer Vergeudung von Ressourcen und Energien besteht, Beides müssen wir doch minimieren, um unseren Nachkommen noch einen lebenswerten Umgang zu gewährleisten. Hoffentlich begreift die Mehrzahl der Erdbewohner das. Neben der Bekämpfung dieser Krankheit muss doch jetzt begonnen werden, darüber nachzudenken, wie wir in Zukunft das Miteinander verbessern können. Leider stieren die Medien wie die Maus auf die Schlange und auch die Politik befasst sich nur mit dem aktuellen Zustand. Dass so viele Menschen ihre Freizeit mit solch ideenlosem Entertainment verbringen muss doch endlich einmal überdacht werden. Hier könnte es doch zu einem wirklichen Neuanfang im Umgang miteinander führen.
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    Jetzt muss das Volk wirklich das Heft in die Hand nehmen, alle Regierenden haben nun schon Jahrzehnte versagt. Sie werden es auch nicht in Zukunft können solange sie sich diesem Geldsystem unterworfen haben, sie werden davon aber nicht lassen können. Die Untertanen werden weiterhin nur dann zu guten Demokraten deklariert, wenn sie sich den Vorschriften voll unterwerfen. Leider ist die Meinungsfreiheit so weit eingeschränkt, Wir wollen aber doch nicht, dass unsere Nachkommen in ein System gepresst werden, das sich diesem neoliberalen System bedingungslos unterwirft. Wollen wir uns wirklich nur um uns selbst kümmern. Die heutige Krise, in der jeden Tag weitere Einschränkungen und Kontrollen das Gefüge durcheinander gebracht haben, muss der Anlass sein, wieder zu einem menschenwürdigen Dasein zurück zu finden.

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