
Joint Conference of Monetative, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center and IMMR on The future of money on 24 November 2018

by Admin // in Conference

Ten years after the financial crisis of 2007 / 2008 and the invention of Bitcoin, economists not only discuss regulatory interventions but also focus on reforming money itself. Currently, the money system is under attack from various sides.

Even for professionals, it is difficult to understand whether it is a war of opinions over the “best” money and monetary system, or a struggle for vested interests, or perhaps both.

At this year’s conference, we want to discuss both public and private money reform proposals to reach better understanding of the problems of the current money system and about monetary reforms.

After keynote speeches that frame the debate about the structure of our money system, three topics will be discussed: the current money system, sovereign money and crypto currencies.

Each topic is introduced by a renowned keynote speaker followed by three parallel sessions – Research Highlights, Popular Issues and Knowledge Transfer. The latter is a special track to gain a better understanding of the respective reform proposal.

Confirmed keynote speakers are:

– William White, chief economist at OECD and former chief economist at BIS

– Larry Kotlikoff, Prof. at Boston University, former economic advisor of Ronald Reagan, and US presidential candidate in 2016

– Miguel Fernandez Ordonez, former president at the Spanish central bank

– Michael Kumhof, BoE, former IMF

– Thomas Mayer, Flossbach von Storch Research, former chief economist at Deutsche Bank

– Steve Keen, author of Debunking Economics, Kingston University

– Joseph Huber, inventor of the sovereign money reform


Call for participation: If you would like to make a contribution to this conference, please contact us until 30.09.2018 at Jahrestagung@Monetative.de.

Download and share more details about The Future of Money Conference as PDF, or visit the conference home page for further information: http://conference2018.monetative.de/

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  • Hello, I can’t be there but I support You! A much better world is possible if we change the status quo in world monetary System and now with the new technologies, like blockchain for Ex., is even easier. In this century many things will surely change! Time is ripe now to create money for people without debt!!! Many Thanks to all of You! Kind Regards

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