Austria – ProVollgeld Austria
Founded: October 2016
„ProVollgeld Austria“ is an officially registered association in Austria. (Österreichisches Vereinsregister“ DVR: 062254757). Main objective: to inform the public about the concept of “full money reform”, elaborating and refining the “full money concept” in close collaboration in particular with the full money reform initiatives in Germany ( and Switzerland (
Persons in charge for ProVollgeld Austria:
Dr. Raimund Dietz (chairman, economist)
Dr. Gottfried Hoebinger (cashier, co-chairman)
Dr. Peter Stoff (secretary, lawyer)
And several other persons including a high ranking official of the Austrian foreign ministry, a filmmaker, several members of Austrian civil society movements (networkers), etc.
Sympathizers: 10-80 persons, number dependent on intensity of support.
Letter to all Austrian parliamentarians and poll on the level of information concerning methods of money creation (in preparation). Preparing for a wider poll.
Lectures, presentations and Participation in panels on monetary and economic reforms
- Seitenstetten 1-4 (Symposia by money reformers in Austria and Germany)
- Robert Jungk Institut Salzburg
- Club of Vienna
- Keynes Society, annual meeting in Vienna
- Yearly Meetings of Monetative Germany
- Hayek Society of Vienna
- University-Goettingen, Autumn-School
- Ökosoziales Forum (panel with Felber, et. al.)
- Gea Akademie (Lower Austria – Heini Staudinger)
- Republikanischer Club (with Ch. Felber, E. Gloetzl)
- BSA (Association of Social Democratic Academicians)
- Grüne Wirtschaft (Association of “green” entrepreneurs)
- A three day training on money and modern society (Gea-Academy in Schrems, lower Austria)
Official letters to and exchanges with:
- Ministry of Finance
- Intensive exchange of letters with members and directors (including the governor) of the Austrian National Bank (OENB)
- Several academics (continuous exchanges) in Austria and International academic community.
- Contributions and participation in scientific communities
- Ausschuss zum Vergleich von Wirtschaftssystemen (Association for Comparison of Economic Systems and Institutional Economics)
- Ordo-Jahrbuch (forthcoming)
- Contribution to Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie (Journal of cultural philosophy)
Money is the most important medium of modern (civil) society. However, human sciences play down or even deny its role. Raimund Dietz (chairman) is working since decades to correct this dangerous bias and is developing a socio-economic theory of modern society in which money is key. His book “Money and Debt – a contribution to an economic theory of society” (Metropolis Verlag) will soon experience the sixth edition. (in German: “Geld und Schuld – eine ökonomische Theorie der Gesellschaft). He is writing a new book with the title: “Society and Her Money” (Die Gesellschaft und ihr Geld).
Usually first Monday in every month.
Close collaboration with associations of IMMR:
Participation in IMMR meeting in Berlin 2017 (Dietz, Hoebinger)
Several video-conferences with positive money movements in Germany and Swizzerland
Regular exchanges of information with contacts, contents.
Contributing to basecamp. (Dietz, Suendermann, Hoebinger)
Exploiting base camp and other information for feeding twitter and other social media.
Several papers of Raimund Dietz were published on the website: and, vice versa.
Info-letter of covers affairs in Austria and is distributed to about 90 persons in Austria, too.
Participation in the Telegram Group of the IMMR Members.
See list of publications in
In addition:
Der Standard:
Die Furche 2017/47
Wiener Zeitung: Full Money and the Swiss Initiative (forthcoming)
Contributions to Basecamp
Cooperation with und .de (Vienna chapter)
Christliche Partei Österreich (CPÖ)
Overall achievements:
The knowledge of the public on money creation improved definitely. Two years ago Austrian scientists wrote nonsense on the issue. This they cannot “afford” any more. More friendly and more objective statements of the full money concept are being published. There is some presence in newspapers. But the achievement is very modest compared to what we need in order to get what we want. The Swiss initiative is ahead of us by light years.
What we need
- More activists, in particular young “sales(wo)men”, organizers, social media workers! The personal basis is too weak as to trigger and maintain sufficient public attention.
- Money! We are mainly our own sponsors. So far the number of paying members is very low. We are in strong need of sponsors.
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