List of all member organizations

Positive Money New Zealand
Positive Money New Zealand Inc (PMNZ) believes in a financial system that supports a fair, productive and sustainable economy and planet.
We do not have that at the moment as private banks create almost all of our money when they make loans, with most of the new money going into housing, starving the productive economy of liquidity, pushing up house prices and household debt.
Banks need more restrictions on their ability to create our money and more direction on putting money into the productive economy, where goods, services and jobs are created.
This also requires us to modernise our approach to public finance, for instance by using the power to issue public money to support infrastructure, innovation and the productive economy.

Vollgeld Initiative - Switzerland

Talousdemokratia- Finland
Suomen Talousdemokratia on rekisteröity yhdistys, joka perustettiin vuonna 2009 Helsingissä. Tällä hetkellä sillä on yli 80 jäsentä ja yli 480 ihmistä on tilannut uutiskirjeemme. Talousdemokratia Suomi on osa Kansainvälistä rahauudistusliikettä.
Talousdemokratia Suomen tavoitteena on ohjata yhteiskuntaa kohti kestävää ja demokraattista talousjärjestelmää ottamalla käyttöön uskottava ja käytännöllinen vaihtoehto velkapohjaiselle rahajärjestelmälle. Lisäksi Talousdemokratia Suomi lisää kansalaisten kiinnostusta talousjärjestelmää ja sen kehittämistä kohtaan.
Tarkoituksensa toteuttamiseksi Talousdemokratia Suomi jakaa ja julkaisee tietoa velkapohjaisen rahajärjestelmän ongelmista ja sen vaihtoehdoista. Vaihtoehtoisten rahajärjestelmien edistämiseksi se pyrkii vaikuttamaan hallinnollisiin asioihin ja päätöksentekoon aloitteilla ja lausunnoilla.
Economic Democracy Finland (”Suomen Talousdemokratia” in Finnish) is a registered association founded in 2009 in Helsinki, Finland. Currently it has over 80 members and over 480 people subscribed to our newsletter. Economic Democracy Finland is part of International Movement for Monetary Reform.
The purpose of Economic Democracy Finland is to steer the society towards a sustainable and democratic economic system by introducing a plausible and practical alternative for the debt-based monetary system. In addition, Economic Democracy Finland increases citizens’ interest in the economic system and in its development.
To achieve its purpose Economic Democracy Finland distributes and publishes information on the problems of the debt-based monetary system and its alternatives. To promote alternative monetary systems it tries to influence governmental issues and decision-making with initiatives and statements.

Sensible Money - Ireland

Positiva Pengar - Sweden
Positiva pengar är en växande rörelse av studenter, ekonomer, aktivister, politiker, journalister, utopister och realister som kämpar för att reformera penningsystemet så att vi får en rättvisare, grönare och stabilare ekonomi. Vi är den svenska grenen av International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR) som finns i 26 länder.
Vi är en icke vinstdrivande och partipolitiskt obunden ideell förening med medlemmar och sympatisörer från hela det politiska spektrumet. Föreningen drivs främst av volontärer med varierande bakgrund och ett stort engagemang för samhällsekonomi.
Positive Money is a growing movement of students, economists, activists, politicians, journalists, utopians and realists who are fighting to reform the monetary system so that we have a fairer, greener and more stable economy. We are the Swedish branch of the International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR) which is present in 26 countries.
We are a non-profit, non-partisan, non-profit organization with members and supporters from across the political spectrum. The organization is run primarily by volunteers with diverse backgrounds and a strong commitment to the economy.

Pieniadz Pozytywny - Poland

OnsGeld - Netherlands
De statutaire doelstelling van Stichting Ons Geld is het streven naar monetaire hervorming leidend tot een maatschappelijk verantwoord en dienend geldstelsel, als ook de ontwikkeling en verspreiding van kennis over (alternatieven voor) de regeling van het geldstelsel, alsmede de bevordering van het publieke debat daarover.
The statutory objective of the Ons Geld Foundation is to strive for monetary reform leading to a socially responsible and serving monetary system, as well as the development and dissemination of knowledge about (alternatives to) the regulation of the monetary system, as well as the promotion of public debate on this subject.

Monetative - Austria

Monetative - Germany
Monetative e.V. wurde 2012 in Berlin als gemeinnützige Geldreformbewegung für ein stabiles, gerechtes und nachhaltiges Geldsystem gegründet.
Gegenwärtig wird jedoch das meiste Geld von privaten Geschäftsbanken erzeugt, was Finanzkrisen, Ungleichheit und Überschuldung zur Folge hat. Dies trägt maßgeblich bei zum voranschreitenden Zusammenbruch des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts und demokratischer Werte.
Wir setzen uns daher für eine Vollgeldreform ein, welche das Ziel verfolgt, die gesamte Geldschöpfung einer öffentlichen Instanz zuzuführen und damit das marode Fundament unserer Geldordnung zu reparieren. Wir sind überzeugt, dass wahre Demokratie erst dann verwirklicht werden kann, wenn die Bürger auch die Macht über die Geldschöpfung in den Händen halten. Unsere Vision ist ein Geld- und Finanzsystem im Dienste der gesamten Gesellschaft.
Monetative eV was founded in Berlin in 2012 as a non-profit monetary reform movement for a stable, fair and sustainable monetary system.
At present, however, most money is created by private commercial banks, which results in financial crises, inequality and excessive indebtedness. This contributes significantly to the progressive collapse of social cohesion and democratic values.
We are therefore committed to a full money reform, which aims to transfer all money creation to a public authority and thus repair the ailing foundation of our monetary system. We are convinced that true democracy can only be achieved when citizens also hold the power over money creation. Our vision is a monetary and financial system that serves the entire society.

Moneta Positiva - Italy
Gli obiettivi sono aumentare la consapevolezza delle persone sui temi della sovranità monetaria e della sua influenza nell’economia; divulgare e spiegare come funziona il nostro attuale sistema economico e monetario; proporre, adattandole per l’Italia, le soluzioni elaborate dal Movimento Internazionale IMMR (International Movement for Monetary Reform) e dall’esperienza britannica di “Positive Money”; e riformare il sistema monetario ed economico in modo che sia più equo e più giusto per i cittadini, riducendo le ingiustizie e le disuguaglianze.
Goals are to raise people's awareness of the issues of monetary sovereignty and its influence on the economy; to disseminate and explain how our current economic and monetary system works; propose, adapting them for Italy, the solutions developed by the International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR) and the British experience of “Positive Money”; and to reform the monetary and economic system so that it is fairer and more just for citizens, reducing injustices and inequalities.

Moneta Bene Comune- Italy


First Source Money - South Africa
We are an organisation campaigning for the democratisation of money. We seek to reform the current moribund monetary & banking policies to those that promote equity, sustainable development and inclusive economic growth & development.

Ferove Peniaze - Slovikia

Dinero Positivo - Spain
Dinero Positivo es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro cuyo propósito es hacer eco en España de las iniciativas de International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR) y especialmente de los británicos Positive Money, con quienes colaboramos estrechamente. Nuestra organización nace en 2014 gracias a la iniciativa desinteresada de unas pocas personas. Actualmente no tenemos estructura fija ni personas liberadas.
Positive Money is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote in Spain the initiatives of the International Movement for Monetary Reform ( IMMR ) and especially those of the British Positive Money , with whom we collaborate closely. Our organization was born in 2014 thanks to the selfless initiative of a few people. Currently we have no fixed structure or free people.

Dinero Justo - Puerto Rico

Gode Penge - Denmark
Gode Penge arbejder for at skabe debat og oplysning om det danske pengesystem. Vi ønsker at demokratisere pengesystemet, så det fungerer for samfundet som helhed. Foreningen er almennyttig og fri af økonomiske og partipolitiske interesser.
Gode Penge works to create debate and information about the Danish monetary system. We want to democratize the monetary system so that it works for society as a whole. The association is non-profit and free from economic and party political interests.


Buducnost Novca - Croatia

Boa Moeda - Portugal

Betra Peningakerfi - Iceland

American Monetary Institute - United States
(AMI) is a publicly supported charity, founded in 1996 to present the results of our research in a manner understandable by the average citizen, leading to monetary reforms which bring forth a greater level of economic justice and a more equitable and efficient functioning of government.

Movement For Monetary Justice - Malaysia
Selamat Datang ke Saluran MMJ. Gerakan Keadilan Monetari atau Movement for Monetary Justice adalah sebuah NGO yang berdaftar dengan Pendaftar Pertubuhan Malaysia. Kami adalah organisasi yang terdiri dari bekas ahli perbankan Islam, ahli akademik, ahli profesional dari pelbagai bidang, ahli Syariah, anggota masyarakat umum, pelajar dan belia.
Misi kami adalah untuk memberitahu umat tentang masalah dan kefasadan Sistem Monetari yang kita sedang amalkan sekarang, domestik mahupun antarabangsa, yang tidak difahami ramai orang, dan kami memperjuangkan Reformasinya. Perjuangan kami adalah untuk golongan dhaif dan tertindas yang selalu melihat dengan sepi pendapatan mereka yang sudah sedikit terus tertiris dicuri kuasa belinya.
Welcome to MMJ Channel. Movement for Monetary Justice or Gerakan Keadilan Monetari is an NGO registered with the Malaysian Registrar of Societies. We are a not for profit organization made up of former Islamic Bankers, Academicians, Professionals from all walks of life, enlightened Shariah Scholars, members of the general public, students and youths.
Our mission is to inform of the ills of the Monetary System, domestic and international, not understood by many and to fight for its Reform. Our Constituency domestically are the poor and downtrodden who constantly see their meager earnings constantly stolen its purchasing power.

Progressive Money - Canada
We feel compelled to share this information with as many people as possible, as we believe if more people understood how the money creation process worked, the more likely we could affect a more positive economic direction.
The money creation process is a powerful tool that could be used to benefit the majority of Canadians, whereas now it mainly benefits the financial elites at the top. It could be used to increase funding for the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, infrastructure, education, heath, and other social services.

Money Reform India
We are a movement for a money and banking system that works for society and not against it.
We are campaigning for the power to create money to be used in the public interest, in a democratic, transparent and accountable way, rather than by the same banks that caused the financial crisis.

Alliance for Just Money - United States
The Alliance For Just Money is a non-partisan organization of people of all political, vocational, philosophical, and personal viewpoints who share the common value of working together—and with individual and organizational allies who share our purpose—to achieve real monetary reform.