Uncover the Ancient Secrets of ProsperityOur financial system is broken, fueling greed and extreme wealth inequality. The wealthy shape laws for their own gain, while money flows to unproductive markets. They evade taxes and hide profits offshore, leaving farmers burdened ...read more.
Vienna, 15 July – 02 August 2024 Applications are now open for AEMS Summer University 2024 – a one-of-a-kind program providing innovative insights to tackle climate change at its core, finding new approaches for our economic and social systems. ...read more.
By Samuel Kazen, Positiva Pengar Introduction Today, money creation is largely outsourced to private banks. According to professor Peter Dietsch, this has devastating consequences for the climate. State-backed public money is automatically poured into whatever private banks deem profitable, ...read more.
The Alliance for Just Money (AJFM) is hosting an upcoming online talk with Maurizio Degiacomi who will share the media and public relations strategy us for the Swiss Vollgeld 2018 People’s Referendum. Saturday, August 6th At 1 PM ET / 12 PM CT ...read more.
Professor Richard Warner discusses his 2018 Empirical Study with Jussi Ora from Positiva Pengar. The results of his study challenge the foundations on which monetary policy and the economy stand. Werner shows that interest rates do not drive the ...read more.
The September 24th IMMR Working Group had the pleasure of hosting a presentation by Zahid Aziz with an introduction to the Principles of Islamic Monetary System and Islamic Economics as a strategy proposal to reduce youth and graduate unemployment and ...read more.
Positiva Pengar has recently hosted two insightful Monetary Reform Webinars with esteemed professor, Michael Hudson. Webinar 1: A 4000 Year Perspective on Economy, Money and Debt Transcript here: Webinar 2: Financialization is Suffocating the Economy Transcript here: ...read more.
by Moneta Positiva 2 June 2021. From 9h to 24h CEST 24 TEDX the largest Italian Ideas Marathon ever organized On 2 June, the Italian Republic Day, a 15-hour marathon organized by the 24 Italian TEDx with the evocative title “Digital Democracy” will be held to ...read more.
by Jussi Ora Positive Pengar hosts Michael Hudson Webinar Thursday 27th May at. 19.00 CEST. Space limited. Sign up here More and more economists state that we have created a “financialised” economy where it pays more to passively own than ...read more.