Beginning this summer of 2024 we started hosting an online space for knowledge sharing and community building between members of our different organizations under the name of IMMR Forum. One of our volunteer working groups came up with this idea more.
Korea’s Solidarity for Monetary Democracy (SMD) Joins the IMMR Please join us in welcoming Solidarity for Monetary Democracy (SMD) to the IMMR. Focused on Monetary Reform in Korea, SMD is a powerful addition to the IMMR’s expansion into Asia. more.
Some of our national members from around the world have generously come forth to share with us their stories of traction to help inspire and foster increased global momentum towards a money system that better serves humanity. American Alliance for more.
We are excited to share some success stories from our national member organizations around the world. Our movement is definitely making great progress and it is encouraging to hear the big and small steps to a money system that serves more.
The International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR) gathered members from across the world for its annual meeting on the 22-24th March 2019. This year the meeting took place in Madrid, Spain, where we enjoyed a blue sky and spring-blooming, although more.
*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT Dear friend, The International Movement for Monetary Reform currently stands at a critical point financially. To continue our work to create a just and stable money and banking system, we need your support. All four of my grandparents more.
By now more than 10 years have passed since the outbreak of the great financial crisis. Many alarming developments have taken place since and the global financial system is as dangerous as before and banking regulation has generally been terribly more.
By Rachel Oliver, Positive Money On 25-27th May 2018 the International Movement for Monetary Reform gathered for its annual gathering. This year money reform campaign groups from all over the world came together for 3 days in sunny Utrecht, Holland. more.
The purpose of the International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR) is to reform our current monetary system (where the bulk of our money is created by private institutions) to one where all money is created free of debt in a more.
The second official meeting of the International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR) took place in Berlin on February 17-19, 2017. The meeting was a successful gathering and significant steps were agreed to consolidate our organisation and inspire our future actions. more.