The Monetary Reform Campaign Toolbox

We offer a complete Campaigner's Toolbox with everything you need to immediately start building a strong monetary reform movement locally where you live. 

1. Know what to do and how

We give you a complete campaign strategy, educate you about monetary reform and how to build a successful organization.

3. Get the right content and launch it

1-click copy paste our powerful templates for petitions, emails and websites. See accurate statistics of best performing content from all our organisations and re-use it in your local language. 

2. Get the right tools

We give you the best digital tools on the market to succeed in building a strong Monetary Reform Movement. 

Not member yet? Apply here, then log in to gain access!

1. What to do and how

Tools are worthless if you don't know how to use them.
Therefore, we start by giving you a general overall strategy about what you need to do to build a strong movement.
The strategy is based on 13+ years of campaign experience from all our member organisations.


Module 1: Generate interest 

First, you need to learn how to generate interest as widely as possible. 

  • Learn how to carry out different types of activities such as seminars, courses, webinars, quiz, petitions to reach out to new people and convince them to subscribe.
  • Learn how to use social media, google ads and Facebook ads to reach out widley to the people you need.
  • Learn the best arguments and content that really works to reach out fast and efficient to new people. 

2 chapters

1h 30m study time


Module 2: Get the email adress

Second, you need to convince to interested person to give you their email.

  • Learn how to get the most valuable asset: the email adress.1 new email is worth around 0.1 EUR/ month for your organisation in donations. With 100 000 emails, you can raise 100 000 EUR / year.
  • Learn different channels and methods for building awesome landingpages that convinces people to subscribe.
  • Learn how to A/B test and optimise landingpages to fast build a large base of followers. 

3 chapter

1h study time


Module 3: Activate your followers

Third, you need to convert your followers to donors and members. 

  • Learn how to arouse and maintain curiosity and interest in the topic through a series of automatic emails, events, petitions, webinars etc.
  • You need (1) money and (2) labour from your followers. Learn how to successfully convert your followers into active members and monthly donor to build a strong movement.
  • Discuss monetary reform in relation to news in media to keep being up to date and relevant for your followers.

3 chapters

1h study time


Module 4: Mobilize donations and volunteers to break through

  • Your resources are donations and volunteers. Learn how to use these resources wisely to further increase your growth-speed.   
  • Build alliances and cooperate with other organizations, universities, journalists, experts and ordinary people to become even stronger together.
  • Finally: use your gathered knowledge, skills, volunteers and money to conduct large scale and targeted lobbying that really makes an impact.

3 chapters

1h study time

2. Our Digital Toolbox

When you know what to do, next step is getting and mastering the right tools to execute the plan.
Here is what you need:  

professional webpage in 1 second

Launch your monetary reform webpage in 1 second through copy-pasting our monetary reform webpage template or chosing between other existing templates.

Webhosting for free

We host your webpage at Hostinger - one at the fastest webhotel out there that delivers the webpage from local servers all over the world for optimal performance and speed. Focus on doing campaigns - we take care of the boring parts.

Advanced Drag-and-drop editor 

Get the full Thrive Suite, the best premium wordpress plugin for fast email-list building. Build quiz, online courses and really good looking landingpages through the easy to learn drag-and-drop editor.  


Use Monetix - our AI Monetary Reform Chatbot on your site. It comes in different versions for (1) new visitors (2) prenumerants and (3) members and have access to 400 mb database of monetary reform academical text so it can give you in accurate depth- answers on complicated questions.  

Video meetings

We host the open source tool Jitsi for webinars and video meetings at our high speed servers. Skip paying expensive licence costs to Zoom and have full control over your meeting data.  

Email automation

We set up our open source and free email system for you, which is way much better than Mailchimp and other expensive solutions.


COMPLETE Webinar system

Copy paste our webinar landingpage template, and use our integration with Mautic to launch new events. Registrants receive automatic reminder emails with engaging progress bars of number of registrants so far. Video link is sent 2 hours before event start. 

CompletE system for PetiTions

Use our system for petitions with professional and engaging layout for seeing new signers signing the petition live. Copy paste template for petition and then you are ready launching it. Handle all contacts that signed up from Mautic. 

Locked content 

Show valuable content only for prenumerants or for members, to give further incentives for visitors to register for your newsletter. 

COMPLETE Membership system

Manage all your contacts and members from the CRM system Mautic. Use our pre-built automation-scripts for automatically keeping track of who have paid their membership fees and email different segments of members, donors or other followers. 

donations & membership fees

Use Donorbox and Stripe for collecting donations and membership fees in an easy way that integrates with all of our other solutions.  

Internal democratic forum

Join our instance of Flowback for being part of truly democratic decision making in our international network.

AI-Transcribe videos

Make transcripts of your videos automatically, let AI rewrite them into blogposts, subtitles and nice summaries of the video you can use in further campaigns. 


Use modern tools to fast generate really good looking videos to launch in campaigns and post in social media. We recommend XX. Publish them on youtube, apply for the Grants program so you can include a link to your landingpage in the videos and start getting more subscribers.

Cross-post in social media

Use tools like Buffer to stack an plan content for social media that is automatically published regularly and cross-posted in all your social media channels. 

3. The Content

Now, you are ready to start making content and launch your campaigns. This work can be rapidly scaled up through re-using previous good performing content. See accurate statistics about how different emails and webpages have performed and use that information to 1-click copy paste high quality successful campaigns, emails, petitions and websites from all over the world.

Share complete websites

Select the best performing websites in our international network and just copy-paste the entire webpage and translate it through 1 click. Customize and modify every details of the webpage to your needs. Share your own webpage with others.  


Select the best performing petitions, quiz, landingapges, webinar pages etc and just 1-click-copy-paste and add them to your webpage. Share your own successes with others. 

Share email series

Find the best performing monetary reform campaign emails ever sent by our member organisations, copy paste and send them directly in our shared email-solution Mautic. You can even copy paste full email-automation scripts with serious of hundreds of welcome emails, educational emails etc to keep your followers engaged. 

Share Opinion Pieces

Easily share opinion pieces that sister organisation have published in large newspaper, rewrite slightly and publish in your own country.

Share ads

Share google and facebook ads that have succeeded in other sister organisation, and try them in your country as well. 

Share news

We set up Mautic for you. This tool is not only open source and free, it is way much better than Mailchimp and other expensive solutions.
