
IMMR Welcomes Newest Member in Korea!

by Admin // in IMMR

Korea’s Solidarity for Monetary Democracy (SMD) Joins the IMMR

Please join us in welcoming Solidarity for Monetary Democracy (SMD) to the IMMR.   Focused on Monetary Reform in Korea, SMD is a powerful addition to the IMMR’s expansion into Asia.

Solidarity for Monetary Democracy (SMD) is a non-profit organization  with the aim to uncover contradictions and problems of the current money creation and distribution system and build a democratic money supply system ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’. Some of the projects that SMD endeavors to implement includes:

  • Research, education and increase public awareness for monetary and financial reform

  • Institutionalize ‘National Sovereign Currency Issuance Agency’ to implement democratic money supply system

  • Fund universal basic income by issuing sovereign currency

  • Implement constitutional complaints and legislative petitions pertinent to monetary and financial reform

  • research CBDC

  • Implement grassroots movements to establish local public banks

As the newest member, SMD have hit the ground running and are already taking an active role within the IMMR.  It will be exciting to see what comes from this collaboration!

You can check out their website (In Korean) here.

About the author 


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