In the world of Economists banks are neutral players in the Economy. They lend from deposits placed by bank customers. If there are no deposits banks cannot lend. Who are the true money creators in the nation is glossed over more.

The Waterworks of Money: private profits, public costs, is now available as part 2 in a free video animation series which shows that the design flaws causing instability in our financial system have not been fundamentally addressed in or after more.

By Samuel Kazen, Positiva Pengar   Introduction Today, money creation is largely outsourced to private banks. According to professor Peter Dietsch, this has devastating consequences for the climate. State-backed public money is automatically poured into whatever private banks deem profitable, more.

By Martijn van Der Linden For the past 2,5 years, I (Martijn van der Linden, PhD., professor New Finance and founding board member of foundation Ons Geld) have collaborated with cartographer Carlijn Kingma and financial investigative journalist Thomas Bollen on more.

El movimiento por la reforma del sistema monetario es global y gana cada día más y más tracción, tanto en los debates académicos como en los medios de comunicación y el debate público. Estar al día de todo lo que more.

by Joseph Huber Palgrave macmillan, March 2023, 192 p. The Monetary Turning Point: From Bank Money to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) | SpringerLink The monetary system is at a turning point. The hitherto dominant type of money, bank deposit money, has more.